6 Useful SEO Techniques to Drive Traffic to Website

SEO Techniques

SEO has always been an essential strategy that online brands consistently leverage to increase brand awareness and lead consistent traffic straight to their websites.

An interesting study shows that Google receives over 63,000 searches every single second, every single day. While SEO is a complex field that’s consistently changing as the time goes by, there are certain “methods” that never seem to stop working. Andrey Lipattsev, Google representative suggests that “content and backlinks remain two of the most important ranking indicators that Google takes into consideration while ranking a particular website”.

Therefore, in today’s post, I’ve prepared 6 useful SEO techniques that’ll skyrocket your website traffic in a matter of weeks or months. No SEO result comes quickly – what you do today will serve you in the long-term. Patience and consistency will get you far in the SEO game, so keep optimizing until you’re satisfied with your ranking position!

1. Write Expert Roundup Posts

If you manage to create great quality content, you’re on the right track. If you manage to attract backlinks to that very same qualitative content, you’re already ahead of your competitors.

Well, writing expert roundup posts is the perfect strategy for improving your content’s overall quality and your backlinking signals.

Jeremy Watson, Marketing Strategist, simply defines roundup postsas being “A specific collection of specific answers given by a specific group of people that have been recently interviewed. Using this strategy,brands can get access to some of the most relevant figures within their industry and ask for their opinions concerning “juicy” topics that people are generally interested in.”

For example, if you’re in the “how to make money online” niche market, you can start interviewing millionaires and successful business owners and ask them “What would you do if you were to start again?”

Once you gather the responses, name your article “52 Entrepreneurship Lessons Given by Successful Entrepreneurs” and let it roll on your website and on your social media channels. Your post should contain links to the personal websites of the entrepreneurs you’ve interviewed – this way, it’ll become accessible to many new audiences that would have never found your name.

Google’s also a big fan of expert roundups because most of the times, an expert roundup post will receive a lot of positive engagement across social media channels. Besides social signals, it’s likely to receive many backlinks due to its authoritative nature.

2. Develop Awesome, Relevant, and Long Content

Your content is probably the most important factor that’ll set you apart from your competitors. People visit websites in order to satisfy their needs, solve their problems, reach their goals, or pursue their dreams.

Nevertheless, the content is the SEO factor that makes the entire difference. First off, Google has an exceptional mechanism for detecting valuable and relevant content. There are countless indicators that tell whether a page is appreciated or not and whether a piece of text is constantly read or avoided by unique users.

Secondly, without quality content, you’ll never be able to “win the hearts” of your prospects. They may visit your page once, leave, and never come back. Or, they can bookmark your page, subscribe to your newsletter, or follow you on social media. They’ll do so if you treat them well and offer them purposeful content that makes their life better!

3. Learn to Craft and Promote Infographics

Infographics are one of the trendiest types of content that big brands are constantly leveraging to bring new traffic back to their sites.

An infographic is great because it helps you showcase complex information that’s easy-to-comprehend. Most people are visual learners, so most people will highly appreciate you trying to educate and inform them using the right educational material.

A study performed by Neil Patel showed how quality infographics can improve a website’s traffic by up to 193% in just one year.

Doing it right is not easy, says Neil, who encourages marketers to focus on their statistics and information rather than obsessing over the design. You can create your own infographics using Canva or visual.ly – it’s quick and easy!

4. Detect and Leverage Your Competitors’ Keywords

Competitive analysis is a smart practice that marketers employ to identify and then leverage their competitor’s keywords.

Take your three best competitors and analyze them using SEMRush or any other professional competitive analysis tool. Note down the keywords they’re constantly using throughout their posts and find them a purpose in your own strategy.

SEMRush also tells you what backlinks and social signals your competitors are benefitting from, so there’s a lot of insight you can use to improve your SEO campaigns using your biggest competitors’ strategies.

5. Offer a Pleasurable User Experience

When you first-time visitors choose to click your link on the results page, it means that you’ve managed to capture their attention. Well, in SEO, that’s just the first step. The second step of the game is to ensure that they’re getting a pleasurable experience.

A good design is one of the first elements you’ll need. Keep it simple and let your website visitors get exactly what they’re looking for. They should never struggle to find the information they need.

Every user has his or her reasons for visiting. Therefore, you’ll need to figure out your target audience’s intent and ensure that they’re always getting what they’re coming for. If they do, they’ll hang around, read your articles, subscribe to your email newsletter, and share your posts with their friends. These are strong signals that Google always takes into consideration!

6. Repurpose and Update Your Old Content

Google’s crawlers are consistently looking for fresh content. A great strategy to speed up your site’s rankings is to consistently repurpose and update your old content.

For example, let’s say that six months ago, you’ve published an article titled “7 SEO Techniques to Improve Local Traffic”. You got two options:

You can take that post and turn it into a podcast, a video, or into a case study. Or, you can simply update it by changing the number (10 SEO Techniques) and adding a date.The final result will be named “10 SEO Techniques to Improve Local Traffic in 2018”. This technique is effective especially when you’re running out of new post ideas!


By improving your SEO game, you’ll be improving both your brand’s awareness and sales performance in no time. After all the optimization, digital marketing is a numbers’ game. The more people hear about your business the more potential customers you’ll be able to nurture in the long run. Use our tips and tricks and skyrocket your website’s traffic as soon as possible!

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    1. mishuda on September 29, 2018

      You put a lot of effort here to collate this list. Thank you!


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