5 Best WordPress RSS Feed Plugins

5 Best WordPress RSS Feed Plugins
RSS(stands for Really Simply Syndication or Rich Site Summary) feed plugins enable importing content from any RSS feed to your site. Even though it may not as popular as it used to be, RSS Feed is still an active technology that you can easily implement to your WordPress sites.
In this article, we present the 5 Best WordPress RSS Feed Plugins:
1. RSSImport
Easy to use, a very efficient plugin that you can use as a shortcode, a widget, or a PHP function. Because it uses standard WordPress functionality, no external libraries are required.
Add a feed to a post or page, by simple copying-pasting of the shortcode where you want it to be displayed. There are many shortcode parameters included, which contribute to the plugin’s flexibility. Here is a shortcode example:
[RSSImport display="10" feedurl="https://www.tribulant.com/blog/feed" use_simplepie="false"]
To use it as a widget, go to Appearance / Widgets, drag and drop the RSSImport button to desired widget area and fill in the empty fields. Click “Save” and that’s all you need to do.
2. WP RSS Agregator
An elegant plugin that works with both RSS and Atom-generated feeds on your site. Its advanced functionalities (including keyword filtering, RSS feed, widget, and more) make it really popular. Display multiple feeds items by using plugin’s Aggregators shortcodes, like in this example:
[wp-rss-aggregator source="6128" limit="10"]
Take advantage of WP RSS Aggregator plugin’s main features, such as:
- Display feed items via the shortcode
- Unlimited option to import RSS Feed
- Option to blacklist specific keywords,
- multilingual and translation ready
- and many more.
3. Feedzy RSS Feeds
Feedzy RSS Feeds is an easy-to-install and easy-to-use plugin that helps you bring the best RSS feeds to your site. Lite version of the plugin lets you use shortcodes and widgets to display RSS feed items anywhere you want on your site, but you can also always upgrade to PRO version (starts at $59 for use on a single site,) for advanced features like:
- Integration with WordAI to avoid duplicate content,
- Automatically convert RSS feed items to WordPress pages & posts (feed to post)
- Choice of templates to display content, including audio playback template
- Automatically add your affiliate links to RSS feeds for business auto blogging
- and more.
4. Category Specific RSS feed Subscription
This plugin is very different from others. Why? Because your readers can subscribe to category-specific RSS feeds on your blog. If you publish different types of content and if you want to give your readers the option to subscribe to only what interests them, this is the plugin you need. The best part is you can link to external feeds, not just your own. There are three ways to display your custom feed links: widget, shortcode, or a line of PHP code.
- Install and activate the plugin,
- find it within the Settings option in your dashboard,
- configure the options like category names, add specific topic/category RSS link,
- set up the RSS feed from the Widget area.
And you are good to go.
5. RSS With Images
Spice up your RSS feeds with featured images in your site’s RSS feeds. You can add your custom image dimensions in the options section. The plugin allows for a minimum of 20px and maximum of 192px for the height/the width. That makes minimum image size 20×20 pixels and maximum image size 192×192 pixels. The plugin also works very well with Mailchimp’s RSS-to-Email campaigns, which gives you more freedom to get the most value from your email newsletters.
With these RSS feed plugins, you have all you need to improve your blog and add value to your blog for your readers. They all are lightweight and easy to use. Do you have a favorite WordPress RSS feed plugin that you use? If so, let us know below in the comments.

We at Tribulant Software have a great passion for WordPress, development, blogging and the Internet in general. Building useful plugins to improve WordPress’ functionality is our goal.
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