Shortcodes & Hardcodes for displaying a Slideshow
There’s several ways of displaying a Slideshow Gallery on your site. Shortcode for all slides To embed a slideshow with all slides under Slideshow > Manage Slides in the plugin, simply insert the shortcode below into the content of a post/page. [tribulant_slideshow] Shortcode for Featured Posts You can create a slideshow from featured posts, each post being a Continue Reading…
Continue ReadingManage Galleries
In this section of the plugin you will be able to manage, edit and add new galleries. Slideshow>Manage Galleries Manage Galleries 1. Add New Clicking this button will take you to ‘Save a Gallery’ section where you can create a new gallery. New galleries added will show up on this ‘Manage Galleries’ screen after they are added. 2. Continue Reading…
Continue ReadingSlideshow – Manage Slides
In this section of the plugin you will be able to manage, edit and add new slides. Slideshow > Manage Slides Manage Slides 1. Add New Clicking this button will take you to ‘Save a Slide’ section where you can create a new slide. New slides added will show up on this ‘Manage Slides’ screen after they are Continue Reading…
Continue ReadingSlideshow Config: Technical Settings & WordPress Related
Slideshow Gallery > Configuration > Technical Settings Javascript Output Select wether you want the Javascript output to be per slideshow or all in footer. Slideshow Gallery > Configuration > WordPress Related Language External You can turn this setting on to load an external language file- Place the .mo file inside wp-content/languages/slideshow-gallery/ with the correct file name. Name the language file Continue Reading…
Continue ReadingSlideshow Config: Appearance & Styles
Slideshow Gallery > Configuration > Appearance & Styles Layout Choose whether you want a responsive or fixed/specific layout for the slideshow. Choose responsive if you have a responsive theme and you want the slideshow to resize width/height in a responsive manner on different devices. RESPONSIVE LAYOUT Select this layout if you want your slideshow to be responsive Continue Reading…
Continue ReadingBeautiful Newsletter Templates
Professional newsletter templates that are fully responsive for desktop, tablet, and mobile. They are 100% cross-client compatible.