Checkout: Product Suppliers Widget
Appearance > Widgets > Checkout > Product Suppliers With the WordPress Shopping Cart plugin, you can display your products suppliers in your WordPress site’s sidebar(s) according to your needs. When selecting “product suppliers” in the “show dropdown” in the widget, it will give you a widget which will show all your suppliers in the front Continue Reading…
Continue ReadingCheckout: Latest Products Widget
Appearance > Widgets > Checkout > Latest Products With the WordPress Shopping Cart plugin, you can display your latest products in your WordPress site’s sidebar(s) according to your needs. Additionally, you can choose the number of new products you would like to display under your widget, and you can display your images as thumbnails so Continue Reading…
Continue ReadingCheckout: Shop Categories Widget
Appearance > Widgets > Checkout > Shop Categories With the WordPress Shopping Cart plugin, you can display your shop categories in your WordPress site’s sidebar(s) according to your needs. It can display main categories only or main and sub categories either in an unordered list of links or as a select drop down menu. Additionally Continue Reading…
Continue ReadingNewsletters: Sidebar Widgets
WordPress Newsletter plugin sidebar widgets. Step 1: Check your sidebar registration Before you start using your widgets, you have to ensure that your theme has the appropriate “before_widget” and “after_widget” values. The WordPress Newsletter plugin will need to make use of an ID attribute in the enclosing element of the widget. Open up the “functions.php” Continue Reading…
Continue ReadingMaxRef Widgets v1.8
Hide empty categories Functionality to show/hide empty categories when using categories as the “Display” for a widget. Date Formats for Items Each widget individually allows you to specify the date format to use when you choose to show the last updated dates of items for links, posts, categories, etc. A select drop down will Continue Reading…
Continue ReadingEarn Money by Referring People
Refer customers to us with your affiliate link and earn commission on sales from your link.