
Newsletters Release Notes

Release notes for version of the WordPress Newsletter plugin. Improved Hidden field conflict with Tailwind library (third-party plugins and themes). Fixed XSS vulnerability fix on unsubscribers search box. BuddyBoss PHPMailer compatibility issue (reported by Wijnand Hörcner). Post excerpt not working in newsletters posts.

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Newsletters – Google Analytics 1.7.1 Release Notes

WordPress Newsletter plugin : Google Analytics 1.7.1 release notes. Fixed Bug after encoding UTM tags in the URLs.

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Newsletters – Google Analytics 1.7 Release Notes

WordPress Newsletter plugin : Google Analytics 1.7 release notes. Fixed HTML encode UTM tags in the URLs.

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Newsletters Release Notes

Release notes for version of the WordPress Newsletter plugin. Improved Set Variable texts in the create newsletter page editor. Links in the admin area to provide more information and link updates. Text updates. Fixed Bitly new API integration, link, and text updates. reCAPTCHA was not working for some websites due to our previous update. Continue Reading…

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Newsletters Release Notes

Release notes for version of the WordPress Newsletter plugin. Improved Changed the number of clicks to number of unique clicks everywhere. Fixed Safari 18+ classic editor post box move to right issue. Schedule interval by more than 50 minutes was not working. Batches display in the queue issue. XSS vulnerability on newsletters_video shortcode.

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WordPress Plugins

Start selling products, sending newsletters, publishing ads, and more through your own WordPress website using our premium WordPress plugins.


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