Save a Style Option

In your WordPress dashboard, you can either create new style options or change the details of existent style options which you have previously created. In order to create or change style options, go to the “Options” section of the shopping cart plugin.

To create a new style option, click on the “add” new link at the top of the “Options” section. To change/edit an existing style option, simply click on the title link of the option which you want to change/edit.

For each style option you add/edit, you have to fill in a title/name for the option and additionally select the appropriate style from the select drop down menu to which you want to assign the style option.

When you add/edit a product and you tick the checkbox of a specific style, the style options assigned to that style will appear, allowing you to tick off the options you wish to use for the specific product in conjunction with the specified style.

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