Checkout v1.6.7 Release Notes
-WordPress Shopping Cart plugin v1.6.7 release notes.
- Post/page comments on each product.
- iPay88 payment gateway (extension).
- Amazon FPS payment gateway (extension).
- USPS International V2 shipping API.
- Class ‘productinfoholder’ DIV width setting.
- Show totals and other info on the ‘Thank You’ page.
- Stripe payment gateway (extension).
- SecureTrading payment gateway (extension).
- Option images for select drop down product variation.
- New eWay AU payment gateway API.
- APCO Limited payment gateway (extension).
- Subject for order comments from the merchant.
- Inventory/stock for each product variation option.
- Turn on/off the scroll for the add to cart with Ajax.
- Automatic updates/upgrades.
- EU VAT Exemption (extension).
- Edit variations/options on the ‘Save a Product’ screen.
- Date picker custom field min/max date range.
- Action hooks for developers.
- Filter hooks for developers.
- Turn on/off the loading of default scripts on the front-end.
- Send custom/manual payment method to ‘Thank You’ page.
- Test email settings utility.
- Google Checkout L2 problem with no shipping.
- TimThumb error reporting.
- Credit card expiry year up to 2018 on payment methods.
- SMTP password field is now password field type.
- Show individual discount coupons used on orders.
- Logging in as returning customer will keep current cart intact.
- Remove ‘Order Items’ from the dashboard menu.
- Configuration section tabs improvement.
- VAT/Tax won’t show on invoice if it is 0%.
- Change the_editor to the new wp_editor function.
- PayPal Standard cancel/return URL link.
- Warning message dialog when editing a product and leaving page.
- Title/caption setting for Ogone payment method.
- Colorbox upgrade to the latest version.
- Improvements to the shopping cart widget detection.
- Product count in the shop categories widget.
- Minimum donate amount for donation products.
- Virtual Merchant total needs tax included.
- Database error ‘wpcofieldsorders’ doesn’t exist fixed.
- Mandatory to choose a shipping service/rate on APIs.
- Shopping cart widget checkout button blank.
- Discount coupons export encoding problem fix.
- Change ‘Styles’ to ‘Variations’ throughout the plugin.
- Product tax override tax calculation problem.
- Empty current cart after logging out from WordPress.
- All plugins deactivate when you deactivate Checkout.
- Tax exempt products count calculation problem.
- PayPal Pro with discount coupons problem.
- Ogone ‘Font Family’ styling setting broken.
- Canada Post include file fatal error.
- Supplier edit product bug, not able to see products.
- Shopping cart widget not refreshing as products are added.
- Incorrect tax on product unit price.
- UPS rates file include fatal error.
- Supplier order receipt logo not showing.
- Discount/Tax & Shipping setting wording corrected.
- Shipping quote will show errors for required fields now.
- Calculation problem on global order options fixed.
- Show tiered prices Incl Tax as well.
- Universal message text area setting placement.
- Fix to the way tiered prices on products are displayed.
- Incl Tax calculation should not calculate on tax exempt products.
- UPS weight measurement system bug fixed.
- Post/page glitches on ‘Save a Product’ screen.
- Missing tabber image reference in the code.
- Zero tax shows in customer orders history screen.
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