How to Add Google Workspace to Your WordPress Site

There is some good news for WordPress users. A partnership with Google will now give you access to all the functionalities of Google Workspace.

Google Workspace has tons of excellent features. It allows for easy collaboration and sharing of documents. It is also previously known as G Suite. Don’t get confused if the 2 terms are used interchangeably in this article and elsewhere because some systems might still use G Suite instead of Google Workspace. Before being known as G Suite, it was known as Google Apps For Work.

The domain branded email from Gmail clients gives organizations more control and security. Employees do not resort to using their personal Gmail accounts for work purposes.

Google Drive gives unlimited cloud storage while providing easy access to teams.

If you are a WordPress user, please read on to know how to integrate Google Workspace with your site.


1. For Existing Domains

Start by verifying your domain

If your website is on, start by verifying your domain. You can also set up your Workspace email during this step if you wish.

Skip this step if you already have Google Workspace and have been using it for more than 72 hours.

The importance of verification is that it keeps your account safe. No one else will be able to use your domain to get access to your Google Workspace.

Now, do the following.


Step 1

  • Log in to the Google admin console using an administrator account. Please do not use your current Gmail account for this.
  • To verify, click on continue. You will be using a TXT record for this part.
  • Get the verification code from the setup tool, and copy it.
  • Do not close this window


Step 2

  • Open a new browser window
  • Go to the WordPress site
  • Enter your domain details, user name/email address, and password. You should have received this when you bought your WordPress domain. If you do not remember the details, you can recover the account or reset your password.
  • Click on continue


Setting Up an Email Account

To set up an email account, you need to do the following

  • Go to the WordPress site
  • Click on my site. You will find it on the top left of the screen

  • Click on the domain name. This is for the one you need to verify
  • Click on the name servers and DNS button
  • Click on G-Suite.

  • Input the TXT you copied in step 1 above in the text field
  • Now, finish by clicking on Set up G Suite

Success, you have now completed the domain verification. Your WordPress domain DNS records now contain the Google Workspace MX records.

Google Workspace can check the verification code.

Go to Google admin console > use the administrator accounts to sign in > continue > verify my domain.

You may not get the results immediately. It can take some time; in some cases, up to 48 hours, so be patient. Even if you get an error message, it just means that your registrar is in the process of publishing the code.


Step 3

Now go back to the browser in step one with the workspace setup tool.

There are two things you can do here.

The first is to add multiple users to your account. To add new users follow (My site(s) > upgrades > domains (choose the one you want) > manage your email accounts > add new users (fill in the new user details) > continue. Pay for the purchase and wait for an email with the new user’s information.

The second is to activate the organization’s Gmail account. Let’s take the example that you manage websites for nonprofits. You get access to Google Workspace for nonprofits.

The platform helps streamline work processes by organizing all resources in one central location. Remote teams can collaborate and communicate even across different time zones.

Here is how to set up your Workspace for nonprofits account.

The first thing is to check that you fulfill the requirements of the eligibility criteria for nonprofit organizations.

Now follow the steps below:

  • Go to the Google admin console to access the administrator account
  • Set up your business email
  • Activate the nonprofit edition that comes at no cost. Take note there is a trial period within which you can upgrade your business account to this edition.
  • Migrate user emails, contacts, and calendars to the G-suite for nonprofits. Google has an easy-to-use tool that will make the process easy. You get migration options depending on where the information is.

Once you set up the G-suite, you can:

  • Build and manage teams.
  • Customize the organization’s account with logos, relevant security, and compliance measures.
  • Take control of emails, contacts, and meetings.
  • Take advantage of online documents such as spreadsheets and presentations. You also get access to cloud storage that ensures data safety.
  • The platform comes with training guides, tips, and other resources that can help the team master the G-suite.
  • Users will also find fantastic resources in the help community. It is composed of experts who can answer any questions you may have.


2. For New WordPress Domains

If you are in the process of registering a new domain, follow the steps below.

Step 1. Go to My site > Upgrades > domains (add your domain here)

Step 2. Choose the add Google Workspace to the domain option. Input the relevant details, including the owner, email address, and password

Step 3. You can add other users if you want extra licenses. Do note; an additional license will incur a cost calculated at the time remaining until renewal.

If not, proceed to purchase Google Workspace and complete the Checkout process.


Step 4. Now go back to step 1 to finish the setup. You will need to know your Workspace password or use the temporary one Google allocates you. If you go for the latter, make sure you change it at the earliest opportunity.


You may get an email asking you to accept the Google terms of service. Accept the terms so that you can start using the workspace.


How to Access Your Google Workspace

Everything you need from your Google Workspace will be available on the admin console. You will need your username / email address and password to get access.


Final Thoughts

Our article has shared a step-by-step guide on how to set up your Google Workspace on The process is easy to follow, and within no time, you will be enjoying all the benefits of the Google Workspace.

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    1. Mark Tipper on April 16, 2023

      This is great information, but we are looking for what I believe is the opposite function. We want to set up an intranet to have easy one click access to Gmail and our Google apps from our team WordPress pages. How can this be accomplished?


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