May 2012 Newsletter

The month of May 2012 was extremely busy here Tribulant Software. As usual there was much going on and we worked hard to release updates for our WordPress plugins. Many other exciting events occurred as well, have a look at our newsletter below for more details:

  • New Plugin Releases
    • Newsletter plugin v3.9.1
    • Shopping Cart plugin v1.6.7
  • New Extension Releases
    • iPay88 Payment Gateway
    • Amazon FPS Payment Gateway
    • Stripe Payment Gateway
    • SecureTrading Payment Gateway
    • APCO Limited Payment Gateway
    • EU VAT Exemption
  • Deal Launched with Dealotto
  • New Documentation Design
  • Affiliate Commission Increased
  • Our Owner got Married
  • We Received a Gift
  • Like us on Facebook

New Plugin Releases

We’ve had two major plugin releases in the month of May 2012. They are our most popular plugins and they just became much better as well. Let’s look at some of the highlights:

WordPress Newsletter plugin v3.9.1

This was a minor release of the WordPress Newsletter plugin after v3.9 was released. It consists of a small list of new features, enhancements and bug fixes. You can read the detailed release notes and here are some of the new features:

  • Custom Fields and CSS in Offsite Form.
  • Automatic Updates ‘Check Again’ Button.
  • Delete Subscriber on Unsubscribe.
  • Show/hide TinyMCE Editor Button.
  • and much more…

WordPress Shopping Cart plugin v1.6.7

This major release of the WordPress Shopping Cart plugin provided a long list of new features, improvements and fixes. You can view the detailed release notes and here are some of the new features:

  • Inventory/stock for each Variation Option.
  • Automatic Updates/Upgrades.
  • Date Picker Min/Max Date Range.
  • Test Email Settings Utility.
  • Several New Payment Gateways.
  • More Extension Plugins.
  • USPS International V2 API.
  • and much more…

New Extension Releases

We have released six new extension plugins. All of these are for the WordPress Shopping Cart plugin but we’ll have more released for our other plugins soon. Have a look at our new extension plugins:

Deal Launched with Dealotto

Dealotto approached us recently with a proposal to launch a deal with them.

They wanted to market and sell our WordPress plugins bundle in a “lotto” style contest where you have the chance of paying anything between $0 and $39 for the bundle.

We discussed the terms and conditions and launched the deal. It has been running for 6 days now as you might have seen on our Facebook page and Twitter.

You can still engage in this deal and pay $39 for our WordPress plugins bundle. That is 60% off the original retail price of $99 for the bundle. Go ahead and get your deal!

We will soon be launching deals with Mighty Deals and Webmaster Deals as well to give users the best possible packages at the lowest possible price.

New Documentation Design

We’ve been working on a new design and interface for our online documentation to make it more usable to our clients. The new design will provide better usability, enhanced organization and increased speed. We will make this available publicly soon, stay tuned!

Affiliate Commission Increased

We have increased the affiliate commission in our WordPress plugin affiliate program to a whopping 20%. It applies to both existing and new affiliates signing up.

This is the 1st tier affiliate commission when you refer people to our site with your affiliate link and they purchase. The 2nd tier affiliate commission remains at 10% when you refer someone else to become an affiliate and they refer sales to us.

Our Owner got Married

The owner of Tribulant Software got married at the beginning of May 2012. Antonie Potgieter married the beautiful and wonderful Maria de Clercq (now Maria Potgieter).

The wedding was beautiful and they then headed on honeymoon for two weeks to explore through the Eastern and Western Cape in South Africa. Antonie is back and working hard to catch up with emails and everything else.

Feel free to view the Martonie website (it is in Afrikaans language) where you can read a bit more about them.

We Received a Gift

Due to the nature of our business, the communication from our clients to us is usually pre-sales or technical questions. We do receive testimonials from time to time as well but gifts like these are amazing!

Thank you to Stephane Schueler from Fruitcake for sending us chocolates and the Victory Knox knife as a gift in the mail. We were positively surprised and really appreciate it, you made our week!

Like us on Facebook

We are very active on our Facebook page where we make all announcements and small news blurps.

Status updates are posted for new releases, new showcase websites, testimonials added, articles of interest, newsletters and several other things which are related to us, you and the industry we are in.

Like us on Tribulant Software’s Facebook page to get our status updates in your Facebook news feed on a daily basis.

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